What do the 1% of successful Traders do that other 100% don’t?

In the fast-paced world of trading, where fortunes can be made or lost in the blink of an eye, there exists a small elite group that consistently outperforms the rest.

These are the 1% of  traders who seem to possess a secret formula for success, leaving others wondering: what do they do differently?

In this article, we’ll delve into the strategies, mindset, and habits that set these successful traders apart from the rest.

Success in trading is often judged by the amount of money one makes.

While profitability is undoubtedly a key metric, it’s essential to recognize that success goes beyond just financial gains.

True success in trading encompasses factors such as risk management, consistency, emotional discipline, and overall longevity in the market.

With this broader perspective in mind, let’s explore the characteristics that define the 1% of successful traders.

First, let’s gain an understanding by examining the practices of two traders, Sarah and John, and discern what sets them apart.

I made a story to help you all understand the concept better.

The Story:

shashwat asati

Meet Sarah, a budding trader with dreams of financial independence.

Like many others, she jumps headfirst into the world of trading, armed with enthusiasm and a burning desire to succeed.

She spends countless hours analyzing charts, attending webinars, and experimenting with different strategies.

However, despite her best efforts, success eludes her, and she finds herself trapped in a cycle of frustration and disappointment.

Meanwhile, across the trading floor, John quietly goes about his business.

With a calm demeanor and unwavering discipline, he navigates the volatile markets with ease.

Unlike Sarah, John doesn’t chase after every opportunity that comes his way.

Instead, he patiently waits for the perfect setup, exercising restraint even when the urge to trade is strong.

As months pass by, Sarah grows increasingly disillusioned, while John’s profits continue to soar.

Intrigued by his success, Sarah approaches John and asks for his secret.

With a knowing smile, John offers her a simple piece of advice: “Focus on quality over quantity.”

Sarah’s eyes widen as she realizes her mistake. While she had been fixated on making as many trades as possible, John had been meticulously selecting only the most promising opportunities.

Inspired by his approach, Sarah decides to adopt a similar strategy.

Armed with newfound wisdom, Sarah begins to trade with purpose and precision. She learns to trust her instincts and patiently waits for the right moments to strike.

Gradually, her fortunes start to change, and she experiences her first taste of success.


Sarah’s journey mirrors the struggles faced by many aspiring traders. In her quest for success, she initially falls into the trap of overtrading, a common pitfall that often leads to losses.

However, by observing John and emulating his approach, she learns the importance of patience, discipline, and selective trading.

The key difference between Sarah and John lies not in their intelligence or innate talent, but in their mindset and approach to trading.

While Sarah focuses on quantity, John prioritizes quality. He understands that success in trading is not measured by the number of trades made, but by the profitability of those trades.

The Secrets of the 1%:

Now, let’s shift our focus to the 1% – the paragons of success in  trading. What sets them apart from the Sarahs of the world?

Here are the key secrets that distinguish the elite:

1. Rigorous Risk Management:

Unlike amateurs who expose themselves to undue risk, successful  traders prioritize capital preservation above all else.

They adhere to strict risk management protocols, limiting the size of their trades and setting predefined stop-loss levels.

By mitigating potential losses, they safeguard their funds and ensure longevity in the market.


Meet James, a careful trader who doesn’t like taking big risks. He’s been trading stocks for a while and knows how important it is to protect his money.

Before he buys or sells anything, James figures out the most he can afford to lose. He does this by looking at how much money he has in his trading account and how much risk he’s comfortable with.

James sticks to this limit really closely. He never lets one trade put him in danger of losing a lot of money.

Some traders might go for bigger profits by taking bigger risks, but James prefers to play it safe. He might not make as much money quickly, but because he’s so careful, he usually makes money in the long run.

2. Methodical Strategy Development:

Successful traders don’t rely on hunches or guesswork; they base their decisions on data-driven strategies honed through rigorous testing and refinement.

Whether it’s technical analysis, fundamental analysis, or a combination of both, the 1% adhere to methodologies that have proven effective in various market conditions.


Emily, the Technical Wizard Emily is renowned for her expertise in technical analysis, leveraging charts, indicators, and patterns to identify high-probability trading opportunities.

She spends hours each day analyzing price movements, fine-tuning her strategies, and adapting to evolving market dynamics.

Emily’s methodical approach allows her to anticipate market shifts with precision, giving her a significant edge over less disciplined traders.

3. Emotional Discipline:

Perhaps the most crucial attribute of successful traders is their ability to maintain emotional equilibrium in the face of adversity.

While amateurs succumb to fear and greed, causing them to deviate from their strategies, the 1% remain steadfast and composed, sticking to their plan regardless of market fluctuations.


David is a stock trader who stays very cool and calm when he trades stocks. He doesn’t let his emotions take control of him. Instead, he approaches each day of trading with a relaxed and detached attitude.

He understands that volatility and uncertainty are inherent to the market and refuses to let his emotions dictate his actions.

Whether faced with a string of losses or a sudden windfall, David remains unwavering in his commitment to his trading plan, knowing that consistency is the key to long-term success.

4. Patience and Discipline:

Contrary to popular belief, successful trading is not about making rapid-fire decisions or chasing after every fleeting opportunity.

Instead, it requires patience and discipline to wait for high-probability setups and execute trades with precision.


Lisa, the Day Trader, shows us how being patient and disciplined can help in trading. Instead of feeling rushed to act all the time, she waits for the right moment to make her moves.

She carefully studies the market and only makes trades when everything lines up just right.

Even if it means waiting for a long time without doing anything, Lisa knows that being patient is important because it leads to steady profits in the end.

5. Building and Leveraging Networks:

Successful traders recognize the value of networking and building relationships within the trading community.

By connecting with other traders, sharing insights, and collaborating on strategies, they gain access to a wealth of knowledge and expertise that can enhance their trading performance.


Michael, the Networker Michael is known for his extensive network of contacts within the trading community.

He actively participates in trading groups, attends industry events, and engages in social media discussions to forge meaningful connections.

Through his network, Michael gains valuable insights into market trends, discovers new trading opportunities, and receives feedback on his strategies.

By leveraging the collective wisdom of his peers, Michael amplifies his chances of success in the competitive world of trading.

6. Long-Term Mindset:

Successful traders approach their craft with a long-term mindset. They understand that sustainable success in trading requires patience, discipline, and a focus on gradual growth rather than quick wins.

Instead of chasing after short-term gains, they prioritize building a solid foundation for their trading strategy and continually refining their skills over time.

7. Continuous Learning:

Like successful business owners, top traders never stop learning about their craft.

They stay informed about market developments, study new trading techniques, and seek out mentors or educational resources to enhance their skills.

By staying curious and open-minded, they position themselves to capitalize on emerging trends and maintain a competitive edge in the market.

8. Diversification:

Successful traders understand the importance of diversification and never put all their eggs in one basket.

They spread their risk across multiple assets, markets, and trading strategies, reducing the impact of any single loss on their overall portfolio.

This prudent approach to diversification helps them weather market fluctuations and achieve more consistent returns over time.

9. Solution-Oriented Mindset:

Rather than dwelling on setbacks or complaining about market conditions, successful traders maintain a solution-oriented mindset.

They focus on finding creative solutions to challenges and view obstacles as opportunities for innovation and growth.

By adopting a proactive approach to problem-solving, they are able to overcome obstacles and stay on track towards their trading goals.


The 1% of successful traders distinguish themselves through their disciplined approach, keen market insights, and unwavering commitment to continuous improvement.

By embodying the traits of resilience, adaptability, and lifelong learning, they defy the odds and consistently outperform the broader market.

While achieving success as a trader is no easy feat, studying the habits and strategies of these top performers can provide valuable insights for aspiring traders looking to elevate their game.

"Hi there! I'm a stock market trader who loves to blog about the stock market. I enjoy analyzing the market and sharing learning to help others trade smarter. My goal is to make trading easy to understand and profitable for everyone."

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